Sunday, October 27, 2013

TWC Session 9: Future and Emerging Technologies

Brief Overview

This week's session was about the emerging technologies that can have a huge potential to change how we do things and change our ways of life. Technologies that were discussed included Biotechnologies, Robotics, fuel cells and other energy resources. These are some of the interesting technologies that can be of great benefit to us. 

Interesting Observations

It is also interesting to note that though most innovations are demand driven, some technologies were introduced before there was a demand for it. I observed that most of these innovations are actually society changing ones. Before there was the light bulb, people used fire as a source of light in the dark. No one though that we ever needed a device that can emit light using electricity. But when it was created and introduced, it became one key part of out daily lives. Another example is the invention of iPad. When it was first introduced by Apple, most people asked "why do we need something thats not a phone and not a computer". But far sighted steve jobs probably asked "why not?' And this is the key between creating a mediocre innovation and one with a breakthrough.

Key Takeaway 

The lecture started off with a quote from George Bernard Shaw that goes, "You see things; and you say 'Why?' But i dream things that never were and I say 'Why not'". This quote particularly grabbed my attention because i feel that this is extremely relevant throughout my entire journey. One of the key message that keeps surfacing since the first lecture was "If one refuses to change, one will soon become obsolete." Shaw's quote particularly highlights that one's mindset can play a huge part and it has the ability to change things around us. Opening your mind to new possibilities by asking yourself "Why not", opens many doors to successful technology advancements. It opens your mind to countless possibilities and can help one to think out of the box.

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